Stories from high five ranch
![]() Two years ago, I was experiencing excruciating lower back pain, to the extent of real thoughts leading to letting go of the ranch. Since I am alone in caring for the ranch, house, equines, dogs, cats, and my mom…it was a scary and sad consideration. For about a year prior to my lower back pain I had been going to a local chiropractor, yet it hadn’t helped and felt he was only making it worse. I perceived I was just another body filling his wallet. Through a networking community, I had met someone who worked at another local Chiro office and when she would talk about the fun events their office would create and the importance of finding the root of where the pain is coming from, I would think to myself I should switch Chiro’s. When the pain was getting out of control and I could barely walk, I decided to take the leap and try my friends Chiro office. To say that was the best decision I have made in a very long time, is an understatement. The impact this office has had on my life is overwhelming. They not only have healed my back, but they have also been a support system for me throughout the distressing time in caring for my mother. The amount of compassion this office has, is beyond measure…it is extraordinary. Not only for me, for other patients, as well. I’m not writing this segment to promote my Chiro’s office...yet, if you are interested, it is Treehive Chiropractic, in Parker, CO. I am the sole caregiver for my mother…and there have been many times when I didn’t think I was going to make it to the next day. As soon as I walk in the door, the whole staff can tell when I am off and offer a hug, a shoulder to cry on, a dog to love snuggle, and/or a cookie. The amount of emotional support I have received from them is unmeasurable. They support the horse charity I work with; they sent cards when one of my horses crossed over the rainbow bridge, and Dr. Tim came out to the ranch with a friend to have a session with the horses to support my life path. I am very independent and not use to people stepping up or showing up for me. It is such a beautiful fragment in a very challenging season in my life and I am so very grateful to have been led to the right people at the right time. Kindness is everywhere. Sometimes when all hell is breaking loose, the focus and attention is oftentimes elsewhere…busy head, the phone, social media; when you are struggling and feel alone…raise your eyes and be open to the element of surprise to lift you up and ease your anguish. There are earth angels always around us. Photo: The Chiro office has a long chalkboard wall that often has these wonderfully drawn inspiring designs. Holidays are the best!!!
![]() I watched you get up today from your afternoon nap in the outdoor arena. It’s getting harder, huh buddy… It’s ok…you have lived a long and meaningful life, my dear friend. You have given so much to those who have had the honor to know you and experience the energy you radiate. When you have galloped into the paddocks, I often wished I knew you when you were younger, you are so stinking handsome and carry yourself with such grace and confidence. When the time comes and there is that void in the herd, it will be incredibly hard. Your deep grounded wisdom and insight is what has motivated me on so many levels and what has inspired me to work with horses and humans on a deeper level. Each equine person I know has had a horse that made a significant impact in their life that catapulted the human into a different way of living. More meaningful, more effective, more dynamic. You are that horse for me. From the moment you stepped off the trailer, I knew you had to be with me and even though it has only been 4 years, it feels like a lifetime. You have given my mother a view at life that she would never have experienced, otherwise. Thank you. And you have shown me support regarding her, that has been immeasurable. Thank you. Each person who has come on property, you have given space to discover and uncover difficulties and supported them on their path. Same with equines who found their way here, you encouraged their journey and helped them live out their best life. You have always been the genesis of our herd. They have always looked to you for guidance and I know as you are winding down your life you are trying to pass on your wisdom to the others. Please do not be discouraged if they are not able to live up to the ideals you have created. They simply are not you. You are unique and exceptional…they will find their way and it will be because you were their leader to be better and left your hoof print in their hearts. We will be ok, Moon. ![]() In the meantime, you are still here…and until that time comes, as you have taught me…just be and enjoy the ride. “One rare and exception deed is worth far more than a thousand commonplace ones.” ~Saint Ignatius ![]() Over 30 years ago, when I lived in Los Angeles, I worked for a popular talent agency representing prevalent actors to whom you may not know their names, yet often see them in TV and Film. My position at the agency was to sign talent to their agency contract. One of my favorite things about this job was to sit and spend a little time with the actors when they came to sign. Most were nice...some were a hot mess. One of my all-time favorite actors we signed was Elijah Alexander. You may not know him by name, yet you would for sure recognize his work and definitely remember him after you experienced his performance in a theatre production, TV, or Film. All he has to do is mention I was in a spicy scene with Angelina Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith... ![]() Elijah and I connected when he came into the agency, not something that happens often in the entertainment industry. He was kind, compassionate, very passionate about his craft and took purposeful time to listen and ask questions about me. I had the honor to see him perform his vivid talent on some of the most popular stages in Los Angeles. Elijah eventually left the agency; the ebb and flow of life happened and through the goodness of social media we stayed “friends” along with 734 friended friends. I kept a distant eye on him to make sure he was living the enthusiasm he once expressed and the passion I saw and heard years before. Many don’t see the behind-the-scenes distress and misery associated within the entertainment industry. It takes a lot of time, money, and energy to create a name for yourself…and then when you think you are there…the industry does its best to knock you down again, and again. To have personal strength and resilience in the face of rejection and constant negativity becomes your super power, especially for actors. Elijah has great talent and is truly a wonderful hope for him was to always succeed in his chosen endeavor[s]. Several years ago, I moved to Colorado…became involved with horses in a healing capacity and horse advocacy [a 180-degree turn, I know]. Flipping around on Facebook, I saw Elijah was in Vail, Colorado. Long story long…Elijah found his way to the ranch and that is when the magic happened. His connection and openness with the horses [and the land] has been enchanting and mystical. He has had the opportunity to spend quality time with all of them. When horses invest their time and energy in humans to help them [in whatever capacity the human brings], it is extraordinary to watch and experience. Moon and Jax, especially, have created bonds with him that will never be broken. Moon has been able to guide Elijah through some personal challenges that will make him stand in his power with better acknowledgement of who he is and a gratefulness of where he has been. Jax, the donkey, has developed a loving bro-mance with Elijah. He is the only male human EVER to be able to touch and halter him. Jax sees in Elijah the non-judgement, connection, and compassion he carries for living beings. It truly has been a lovely relationship to watch evolve. All of us at the ranch [four and two legged] would like to shine the light on what Elijah is currently up to. He is playing Atticus Aemilius in THE CHOSEN. A historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. This amazing production started with exiguous funds and has grown to a world-wide phenomenon! The writing is beautiful, the creation of the characters is brilliant, and the story is ever lasting. If you haven’t become a fan yet, you will once you start watching. We are so proud of the work Elijah is doing on this project; know how hard he has worked through his life and brilliant career and support him as he holds the vision for his creative future. It has been exceptional getting to know the person Elijah is now and seeing how far he has come, as an actor and as a meaningful human. It has been even more outstanding to stand back and watch human and equine work together as both beings bring the energy from something bigger than us to earth and share with others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “As the man once said, the harder you work, the luckier you get.” ~ Ted Lasso When you lovingly gaze into your animals’ eyes, its levels of oxytocin – the attachment hormone – go up. And so do yours. A horse trainer friend calls it the “ooey gooey puppy feeling”. That feeling when you see a puppy and all the world disappears and you become completely enthralled with this little animal showing you complete unconditional love. When I worked in the corporate world, I never experienced the ooey gooey puppy feeling. Thinking back when diffusing a tyrannical boss or an insecure harsh co-worker I often wonder now if the ooey gooey puppy feeling would have been effective. Engaged with a 1000+ lbs animal who may be having a bad day, taking a moment to smile looking directly into the horses' eyes, shifts my energy to a point where it directly effects the horse in front of me. **Granted this is not recommended for training purposes, this is a grounding technique. A recent study done by psychologist at the UK’s University of Sussex, revealed that horses have the ability to read emotions across the species barrier. Amy Smith, a doctoral student leading the research stated: “We have known for a long time that horses are a socially sophisticated species, but this is the first time we have seen they can distinguish between positive and negative human facial expressions.” When coaching with equines, they are able to pick up and comprehend what is occurring within the human standing in front of them, just based on their energy. It is remarkable to witness, and a beautiful experience [sometimes emotional] for the client to encounter on their journey to healing. Next time you are in a situation where there is tension and uneasiness, take a moment to smile, find your inner “ooey gooey puppy feeling” and see what transpires. And to quote the guru, Jimmy Buffet; “Wrinkles only go where smiles have been.” "Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace & tranquility to troubled souls, they give us hope." ~Toni Robinson
With the gracious support of my friend, Gina Kuttrus, who founded the non-profit, For The Love of ARIA Wild Mustang Horse Rescue, I have created a program involving the assistance of rescued Wild Mustangs to help facilitate and deepen the coaching/healing experience. Personally working with these beings has helped me tremendously, as my current lifestyle caring for my mother takes a toll on my soul. Being in harmony with these animals is difficult to put into words, yet once you step into their energy, and show up with an open heart, an open mind, and are willing to make meaningful changes within your life...they will step in and guide you without judgement. This video is of me and Hayden, a 3 year old wild mustang. The others around are his friends from the Sand Wash Basin [Colorado] wild mustang round up. Hayden is a gentle soul and ALWAYS wanting to help anyone...a natural healer. Believe it or not, horses have a soul purpose and many want to aid in guiding humans to their best life. Their ability to collaborate in the mental health industry is on the rise, primarily because they are able to bypass the walls and get to the heart of things. Equine Assisted Coaching was never my endgame, yet when I experienced [and still do with my personal herd] their healing capabilities, it was something I wanted to help others experience. Souls at Play Equine Healing Center helps both human and equine. A sanctuary for equines who have been mistreated, retired from their "job", or are living out their best life...however long that may be. Each of these conditions plays a critical part in helping a human work through their emotional/mental issues. It truly is a magical experience to see the breakthroughs humans encounter when they let go and open their heart to an equine. For more information on Equine Assisted Coaching through Souls At Play Equine Healing Center, please email me at: [email protected] ------------ **The experience in this video is mine and not necessary the situation I put my clients in. It truly was a beautiful, warm Fall morning with a simple breeze when we said goodbye. We made an agreement that if I felt you were suffering, I would make the call. As soon as I saw you that morning, it was time. The part about being human I dislike the most is having to make such a painful decision. My selfish ego always goes to: I wanted more time with you, I wanted you to feel better, I wanted you to stay, I wanted to fix you. Sadly, that is not how this all works, is it.
You came to be with Moon, Jax, Banjo, and I because we were looking at mini’s as a friend for Jax at Terolyn Horse Rescue, who had three super cute ones that mom and I went to check out. As we were leaving, I thought I would just scan to see who was in the pastures. As my eyes went from left to right…they bounced back to the center pasture, I pointed and asked Teri who you were. That's Ralphie, she said. She told me because you had Cushings and some laminitis issues, it was difficult to adopt you out. Your heart called to me that day and I knew you had to be here with us. Teri was so kind to let us foster you and brought you right over. The pasture has a name…ONCE IN A BLU MOON. For the Love of Aria took in a horse named Blu, who had been neglected and had horrific laminitis issues. He, too, went to join the Spirit Herd. Because of his and Moon’s spirit and lifeforce to help those living and beyond, this pasture is dedicated in their honor. You are now a member of those who left before you and were waiting to bring you in with open hearts. As broken-hearted as I am, there is great peace knowing the last months of your life were lived just being a horse. No expectations…. just love. For me and what I have learned from others around me, working with and living with horses…it is all about honoring and giving the horse a voice. And I hope/sense this was accomplished in your short time here. Whatever may have been resentful in your past was set free, allowing you to just be. There was a connection we had that is hard to explain. You were humble, beautiful inside and out and so brave, even though you didn’t think you were. I truly wish you could have seen what I and everyone else saw. And maybe that was your lesson to teach me, too. You are free my love…run. The light of my life, my earth angel. Abandoned in a cardboard box at a school in Texas, she found her way to live with my Mom. Mom was looking for a dog, since her dog, Heidi, had passed away a year before. Her veterinarian called and said they found a dog abandoned at a school; would she be interested[?]. Mom decided to take the young boy who lived across the street to go see her. As Mom puts it, she didn’t fall in love and felt she had to take YODA because she didn’t want to disappoint her young neighbor. Not to mention, the boy from across the street had already named her YODA – from Star Wars. Years later he would get a dog and name him Luke Skywalker. That same year, Mom called me in LA to say she needed help. Didn’t really say why…just that she needed me. Dropped all I was doing, packed up my car and drove to Austin. When she told me about YODA I vowed I would not like her because the death of Heidi was so hard…I just couldn’t put love toward another dog, it hurt too much. As soon as I met her, I was in deep love. She melted my hardened heart and I was in for the long run. And she bonded to me too. The reason mom wanted me with her, she wanted to downsize and sell her home for something smaller. We found her a new small home and moved everything in. Once she was settled and good to go, it was time to move back to Los Angeles. As I was loading the car, Mom came in and asked if I was going to take YODA back to LA with me. I said I hadn’t planned on it [when deep in my heart, I really wanted to] …apparently, she did…YODA had jumped up into the driver seat and was ready to go to LA. Mom was happy to let me have her…and so the adventures would begin. [A couple months later, mom would get a new dog…a schnauzer named Barney] YODA went with me everywhere, even to work. She would travel to the other offices and visit my co-workers and was often hard to find. She was in heaven. When I had to leave that job, the person taking over bought a toy Chihuahua and placed it in the inner window facing the offices so she wouldn’t be missed. Yoda is a natural healer. She greets everyone happily and gives her loving energy freely. It was especially inspiring to see how she reacted to homeless people in LA. Their faces would light up when they saw her...and she returned the respect with big tail wags and a non-judgement spirit. Once we were sitting at a stop light and a homeless person walked by the car door, glanced at Yoda and kept on walking. Yoda ran up to the window, stuck her head out and watched him walk away. I watched him in the rear-view mirror and saw once he passed the back of my car, he stopped, turned, pointed to his eyes, then pointed at Yoda and made the heart symbol with his hands…as if to say, I see your heart. It was such a beautiful sincere moment I often recall when I need my own heart re-boot. Flash forward to now, Yoda is [I think] 13ish years old. Her hearing is gone and the clouds are beginning to appear in her eyes. She is a bit slower and needs more attention when jumping up/off chairs, steps, and couches. Nonetheless, she is living her best life as a ranch dog chasing the barn cats, barking at horses and donkey’s keeping them in line. She loves living here and still keeps up on our mile long morning country road walks. She is brave, courageous, smart, and sweet…I want to be her when I grow up. The love I have for her is beyond measure, she is a brilliant role model and a wonderful teacher. Her attitude is to be happy, no matter what is going on around her. Except if her brother takes her treat, then the gloves are off. She has saved my soul on more occasions I care to admit. When “they” say…your dog is your mirror…I am happy to have her reflection. Every day is a blessing with this little being…I cherish all I can get with her. She was definitely meant to be with me, and I am grateful everyday for all she has given me. There are some who don't believe animals have souls, I am not one of them. It has been my experience each animal has a soul and a purpose - and if you are open enough to might have one of the best experiences of your life. Many times I have been told I should write a book because of my colorful adventures in life. Considering I have the focus of a squirrel...and gold metaled in is difficult for me to sit and concentrate on writing a book. What is the next best thing...write a Blog. A little about me...I've transitioned into another chapter in my life. My mom is turning 88 in November [2022] and is at a point in her life where she is ready to be cared for. She has been a caregiver the majority of her adult brother had brain damage from a car accident in 1979, my father died in 1985 and she had to care for his parents as they aged. She is ready to have someone else do the "taking care of" and since I am so fun to be around, time for me to step in and step up. And I am happy to do so. We have been living together since 2016. Mom and I were both born and raised in Colorado...I moved to Los Angeles, CA in 1987 to pursue a career in comedy and acting and she moved to Austin, TX in 1989 for warmer weather. To accomplish the role of "taker carer" there were a couple options. #1, Mom could move to CA and live with me. However, at the time I was in a very dysfunctional relationship and there would have been no way I would have brought her in to that scene. #2, I could move to way. #3, we could both move back to Colorado where, if needed, I would have relatives to help me. In 2016, I moved away from LA, sold my Mom's home in TX, loaded up the car with two dogs and we all moved to a nice home in Parker, CO. I am not a person who can sit idle...I need to have something to do or I will get myself into trouble. Since I needed to take mom to doctor appointments and such, working a 9-5 job was not possible, I had to find something PT to occupy my time and brain. I found an advertisement for a Ranch Hand at an animal rescue near where we were living and somehow convinced them to hire me, with no experience what so ever. I loved it!! And was bitten by the "must have a ranch with animals" bug...little did I know 6 years later I would own a ranch of my own. For several years I worked for non-profits and for profit organizations specializing in rescue, rehab, and everyday happenings of horse, acreage, and animal maintenance. As time goes by, I will dive into more of these organizations and stories. In 2020 Mom and I sold the house in Parker and moved to a very cozy 5 acre horse property. Yes...I moved my 87 year old mother to a [large for us] piece of land with a home that was build in the 50's...why is short, right? HA! Almost everyday you will hear me mumble..."move out to the country, they will be fun, they said". And some days...I want to strangle "THEY". Having large animals and living on land is not for the faint of heart, it is very hard work. Nonetheless, I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. bring you up-to-date...we currently have two horses, two donkeys, two cats, and two dogs. Our own little Noah's Art starter kit. And of course I will showcase them all with their own story. And so it begins...stories from High Five Ranch and Once In a Blue Moon Pasture. I hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading. |
AuthorThe past 7 years have been a time of major renovation for Trish Lay. In taking a break from the corporate scene, speaking, and coaching…Trish has been transitioning into a whole new world of challenging expectations, rewards beyond measure, and a unique form of healing she hopes to share with others. STORIES FROM HIGH FIVE RANCH portray the happenings of a small healing horse ranch and taking care of an elderly mother. Archives
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